Hello again! As promised, I am going to discuss how to expand your Ranch! It is rather simple actually, all you have to do is Deposit a certain number of Pokemon into the Ranch, and you are all set! Originally, I thought that you had to fulfill Wanted Requests that Haley gives you, but that is not the case. Those Requests are for you to fill up your Pokedex. Each time you meet a requirement for the Expansion, Haley will come to you and inform you about the coming Expansion, as well as ask what kind of Pokemon you would like her to bring, to celebrate the event. All Expansions happen on the Next Day.
There is however, a special Wanted Request that Haley gives you. When you have Deposited 250 Pokemon into the Ranch, she will come to you asking for a certain Pokemon. For my wife, it was a Leafeon. Why is this different from the rest you ask? Well, because Haley would like to Trade it for her Phione, which happens to be a really rare and hard to get Pokemon. I find this to be awesome since I have never seen a Phione before in the other games, since I cannot go to any Pokemon Events at game stores.
You can check your Ranch's info from the BBS, which is located underneath the Connect To DS Option on the main menu. From there you can also check what Pokemon Haley is searching for, for her Wanted Requests.
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