
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope - Difficulty

Today, I started a new game on Star Ocean 4, because I realized there were things that I missed that I could no longer get anymore.  So I hit New Game on the Start Menu and it gave me some options on what Difficulty I would like to play on.  Originally I had started out on Galaxy mode, which is the game's normal difficulty.  Now that I have beaten the game, it allowed me to pick Universe mode.  I have to say that Galaxy mode was not that hard, until I reached the final area where I got my butt handed to me every 5 seconds by the enemies there.  Well I was in for some fun when I started my new journey.  It is very difficult now, because the Enemy's Rush Gauge fills up faster and they do slightly more damage.  I will add that I find this to be kind of fun because I hadn't had a decent challenge on the game for a while, and I am not adding the Secret Dungeon because that is just insane already.  Fortunately when you start a New Game, you keep the System Data, which has all the information on Monster Data, Weapon Data, Battle Trophies, and Ship Data.  So, if you want to get 100% you pretty much have to play the game again, or have some kind of guide with you in the first playthrough.

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